A scientific study of the problems of digital engineering for space flight systems,
with a view to their practical solution.

2001 MAPLD Abstracts
(alphabetical order)

Kossiakoff Conference Center
The Johns Hopkins University- Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, Maryland 20723-6099

September 11-13, 2001

Paper P7
"A Rationale and Road Map for Standardization of Logic Element Manufacturer Data Presentation"
Ames, Harry
Utah State University Space Dynamics Laboratory
Abstract: Ames_A.pdf
Abstract: Ames_A.doc

Paper C1
"Contractual Issues in Technical Monitoring"
Barto, Rod L.
Spacecraft Digital Engineering

Invited Talk A0
Bearden. Dr. David A.
The Aerospace Corporation
When is A SATELLITE mission too fast and too cheap?

Invited Talk - Paper D0
Bouldin, Dr. Don
University of Tennessee
Platform System-on-Chip Design

Paper P1
"Radiation Hardness of the g - irradiated up to Dg =2x108 Rad Dielectrically Insulated ICs, manufactured with Different Types of the Preliminary Radiation & Thermal Processing, Measured in the Temperature Range -60° C…+125° C"
Bytkin, Sergey V.
Computer Automatical Systems
Ukraine, Zaporozhye
Abstract: Bytkin_A.doc
Abstract: Bytkin_A.pdf

Paper P6
"Proton Testing of SEU Mitigation Methods for the Virtex FPGA"
Carmichael1,Carl, Earl Fuller2, Joe Fabula1, Fernanda De Lima3
1 Xilinx, Inc.
Novus Technologies, Inc.
(UFRGS) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Abstract: Carmichael_A.doc

Paper A1
"Bit-Width Analysis: How Do They Impact Throughput and Energy Dissipation in FPGA-Based Designs?"
Cerny, 2dLt Troy
Abstract: Cerny_A.pdf
Abstract: Cerny_A.doc

Paper C3
"Heavy ion irradiation of SRAM-based FPGA’s"
Ceschia, M.,  M. Bellato, M. Menichelli, A. Papi, J. Wyss and A. Paccagnella
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
Abstract: Ceschia_A.pdf

Paper P15
"The Mercury Microswitch: A Novel MEMS Device with Potential Applications to Space Electronics"
Edwards1, R. Timothy, C.-J. Kim2
1Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
2University of California, Los Angeles
Abstract: Edwards_A.txt

Paper B5
"The Application of PEMs (Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits) in Space"
Fabula, Joseph J.
Xilinx Corporation
Abstract: Fabula_A.pdf
Abstract: Fabula_A.doc

Paper P13
"Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) - Accelerated Science Data Processing"
Flatley, Thomas, Semion Kizhner, Phyllis Hestnes, Dave Petrick, Kate Fox - NASA / GSFC
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Abstract: Flately_A.txt

Paper P14
"Adaptive Data Analysis and Processing Technology (ADAPT)"
Garrison Darrin1, Ann, Harry Eaton1, Doug Wenstrand1, Phil Luers2, Carl Mills3, and Steve Jurczyk3
1The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
3NASA Langley Research Center, Langley VA
Abstract: Darrin_A.pdf
Abstract: Darrin_A.doc

Invited Talk - Paper E0
, Dr. Steve
Xilinx Corporation
FPGAs for Fault Tolerant Circuits

Paper A3
"Design & Development of Experimental Space GPS Receiver for Occultation Measurement"
Hadafi, Izhar, and Abdul Halim
Satellite & Mobile Research Group, Engineering Faculty, National University of Malaysia
Abstract: Halim_A.pdf
Abstract: Halim_A.doc

Paper P12
"From Bridges and Rockets, Lessons for Software Systems"
Holloway, C Michael
NASA Langley Research Center
Abstract: Holloway_A.doc

Paper C2
Update on Total Dose and Single Event Effects Testing of the Intel Pentium III (P3) and AMD K7 Microprocessors"
Howard Jr.1, J.W., K.A. LaBel2, M.A. Carts3, R. Stattel3, C.E. Rogers3, and T. Irwin4
1Jackson and Tull Chartered Engineers, Washington DC 20018
2NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771
3Raytheon ITSS, Lanham, MD
4QSS Group, Inc., Laurel MD
Abstract: Howard_A.pdf
Abstract: Howard_A.doc

Paper A5
"Evolvable Ant Colony Systems for Pseudo-Random Number Generation"
Isaacs, Jason C., Robert K. Watkins, and Simon Y. Foo
Department of Electrical Engineering
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Abstract: Isaacs_A.pdf

Paper A4
"Clock Networks - Analysis and Application"
Katz, Richard B.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Paper P9
"An SEU-Hard flip-Flop for Antifuse FPGAs"
Katz, R1, J.H. Wang2, J. Mccollum2, B. Cronquist2, R. Chan2, D. Yu2, I. Kleyner3, and W. Parker2
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
2Actel Corporation
3Orbital Sciences Corporation
Abstract: Katz2_A.pdf
Abstract: Katz2_A.doc

Paper E2
"The Multiversion Design Technology of an Onboard Fault-Tolerant FPGA Devices"
Kharchenko1, Vyacheslav S., and Vitaliy V.Tarasenko2
National Aerospace University named after N.E.Zhukovsky "KhAI"
2STSCB "Polisvit"
Abstract: Kharchenko_A.pdf
Abstract: Kharchenko_A.doc

Paper P4
"Recent Radiation Test Results for Programmable Devices"
Kleyner, Igor
Orbital Sciences Corp.

Paper P8
"New Instrumentation, Patterns, and Their Effects on Testing Anti-fuse FPGAs"
Kleyner, I1, R. Katz2, and J.J. Wang3
1Orbital Sciences Corporation
2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3Actel Corporation
Abstract: Kleyner2_A.pdf
Abstract: Kleyner2_A.pdf

Paper E1
"Programmable Logic in Fault-Tolerant Design"
Krenz, Rene
IMIT, KTH-Stockholm
Abstract: Bengtsson_T.pdf

Paper P10
"Radiation Tolerant Solid State Recorder for Space Environment"
Lai, A., S. Motter, and B. Dietz
Aitech Space Systems Inc.
Abstract: Lai_A.txt

Paper B3
"The Design and Testing of a SEU Evaluation Vehicle for the UT4090 FPGA with Antifuse Technology"
Lake, Ron
UTMC Aeroflex
Abstract: Lake_A.pdf
Abstract: Lake_A.doc

Paper B0: History Invited Talk
Launius, Dr. Roger D.
Chief Historian
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Paper E4
"Software/Hardware Reconfigurable Network Processor for Space Networks"
Lee, Clement G., Andrew A. Gray, Jeffrey M. Srinivasan, Yong J. Chong, Allen H. Farrington, Kenneth J. Peters, and Valerie M. Stanton
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Abstract: Lee_A.pdf
Abstract: Lee_A.doc

Paper C0: Invited Ethics Talk
, Dr. C. Dianne
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
The George Washington University
Recipe for Disaster: Engineering without Ethics

Paper B4
"Reliability of Antifuse-Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Military and Aerospace Applications"
McCollum, John, Roy Lambertson, Jeewicka Ranweera, Jennifer Moriarta, Jih-Jong Wang, and Frank Hawley
Actel Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA
Abstract: Mccollum_A.pdf
Abstract: Mccollum_A.doc

Paper D3
"Evaluating Performance Factors in System Development"
Mirchandani, Chandru
Lockheed Martin Space Operations

Abstract: Mirchandani_A.pdf
Abstract: Mirchandani_A.doc

Keynote Address
Nance, Jr.
, Major General Willie B.
United States Army
National Missile Defense Program Executive Officer;
System Program Director for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization

Paper D1
"Lessons from Adaptive Level One Accelerator (ALOA) System Implementation"
Patel, Umesh D., Clifford Brambora, Parminder Ghuman
Goddard Space Flight Center
Abstract: Patel_A.pdf
Abstract: Patel_A.doc

Paper A2
"Sample Integrated Fourier Transform (SIFT) with High-Performance ASIC Implementation"
Pelton1, Walter, Trang K. Ta2, Nipa Yossakda3, and Pochang Hsu3
1Faster Fourier Transforms, Inc.
2Fujitsu Microelectronics, CA, USA
3Northwestern Polytechnic University, CA, USA
Abstract: Ta_A.pdf

Paper D5
"Design of Adaptable Computing Cluster"
Sass, Ron, Keith Underwood, and Walter Ligon
Parallel Architecture Research Lab
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University

Abstract: Sass_R.pdf

Paper P2
"Moments’ Criterion Asymptotic Normality for Testing of Statistical Hypotheses"
Sarwar, Ivan, and Vladimir Palagin
Cherkassy Institute of Engineering & Technology
Cherkassy 18006, Shevchenko 460, Ukraine
Abstract: Sawar_A1.pdf
Abstract: Sawar_A1.doc

Paper P3
"Non-Linear Detection Signal Algorithms with a Non-Gaussian Noise Background of Criterion Asymptotic Normality"
Sarwar, Ivan, and Vladimir Palagin
Cherkassy Institute of Engineering & Technology
Cherkassy 18006, Shevchenko 460, Ukraine
Abstract: Sawar_A2.pdf
Abstract: Sawar_A2.doc

Paper P11
"Software Minimized, High Performance DSP Chips and Cores"
Spiller, Kelly
DSP Architectures Inc.
Abstract: Spiller_A.txt

Paper D4
"Effective Use of Networked Reconfigurable Resources"
Staicu1, Alexandru V, Jacek R. Radzikowski1, Kris Gaj1, Nikitas Alexandridis2, and Tarek El-Ghazawi1
1George Mason University
2The George Washington University
Abstract: El-Ghazawi_A.pdf
Abstract: El-Ghazawi_A.doc

Paper P16
"Polymorphic Electronics"
Stoica, Adrian, Ricardo Zebulum and Didier Keymeulen
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Abstract: Stoica_A.pdf

Paper E5
"Testing FPGA Devices using JBits"
Sundararajan, Prasanna
Xilinx Inc
Abstract: Sundararajan_A.pdf

Paper B2

Paper B0: History Invited Talk
Tomayko, Dr. James E.
Carnegie Mellon University
From Sequencers to Processors on Early U.S. Spacecraft

Paper P17
"Fault-Tolerant FPGA-Based Switch Fabric for SpaceWire: Minimal Loss of Ports and Throughput per Chip Lost"
Walker, Paul
Abstract: TBD

Paper C4
"Single Event and Total Dose Effects on SEU hardened Antifuse FPGA"
Wang1, Jih-Jong,  Richard B. Katz2, Igor Kleyner3, John McCollum1, Brian Cronquist1, Wanida Parker1, Donald Yu1, and Richard Chan1
Actel Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA
2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
3Orbital Sciences Corporation, Greenbelt, MD
Abstract: Wang_A.pdf
Abstract: Wang_A.doc

Paper P5
"Evolvable Random Number Generators: A Schemata-based Approach"
Watkins, Robert K., Jason C. Isaacs, and Simon Y. Foo
Department of Electrical Engineering
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Abstract: Watkins_A.pdf

Paper B1
"Design of a Radiation-Tolerant Low-Power Transceiver"
Weigand, Daniel, and M. Harlacher
ITT Industries
Abstract: Weigand_A.pdf

Paper D2
"MEMS-based Reconfigurable Manifold"
Wilson, Warren, and Jim Lyke
Air Force Research Laboratory
Space Vehicles Directorate
Abstract: Wilson_A.pdf
Abstract: Wilson_A.doc

Paper E3
"Mitigation of Single Event Upset (SEU) by Virtual Redundancy in Design"
Wu, Kaijie1, and Jake Karrfalt2
1Polytechnic University, Brooklyn
2Alternative System Concepts, Inc.
Abstract: Wu_A.txt

Last Revised August 17, 2001
Digital Engineering Institute
Web Designer: Richard Katz